Regenerative medicine and regenerative medical procedures are new terms to the average patient. However, regenerative medicine is a growing discipline within the medical field. Dr. Joe Cleaver of Paradigm Wellness Medical Group is a regenerative medicine expert who includes Growth Factor Therapy in his arsenal of procedures that allow the body to heal itself.
Growth Factor Therapy uses patient’s own blood that is extracted, concentrated, and injected back into the treatment area of the patient’s body. The studies behind Growth Factor Therapy treatment show that having a platelet concentration above the baseline promotes the body’s natural ability to heal injuries, including tendons, muscles, ligaments, osteoarthritis, joints, and various musculoskeletal problems. The goals of using Growth Factor Therapy for knee arthritis are to:
Dr. Joseph Cleaver is an internationally recognized expert and speaker in the field of Functional Medicine and the co-founder of Paradigm Wellness Medical Group, in Dallas TX and Napa, CA. Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Regenerative and Functional Medicine, and a Rheumatologist his passion focuses on effective regenerative therapies in the treatment of joint arthritis, soft tissue, and sports injuries. Dr. Cleaver also applies his regenerative medicine knowledge and expertise in the field of advanced regenerative aesthetics designing individualized skin rejuvenation therapies that harness the patient’s natural rejuvenating substances known as growth factors. Dr. Joe focuses on multiple regenerative medicine therapies, including:
In a previous blog, we discussed the protein “Alpha-2-Macroglobulin” (A2M) and how it is a naturally occurring plasma glycoprotein within your body that helps battle osteoarthritis. Another biologic treatment for your arthritic knee is Platelet Plasma “PLUS”, the “3P” shot for osteoarthritis. Dr. Joe Cleaver administers the 3P shot to help your body regenerate itself in the area that is injured, inflamed, and/or recovering from arthritis.
Dr. Joe Cleaver of Paradigm Wellness Medical Group and like-minded scientists have been spending years trying to develop a method of collecting regenerative medicine formulas, including Alpha-2-Macroglobulin and Platelet Rich Plasma, from the blood stream. This treatment of regenerative medicine offers a simple procedure of injecting it into your arthritic knee to relieve pain and prevent further damage to the joint. But A2M, Growth Factors, and other regenerative medical treatments are not just for arthritic knees. They can be used on any osteoarthritic joint.
Growth Factors, A2M, and stem cell treatments are exciting new technologies used in the regenerative medicine field, but it may not be the right treatment for everyone. To verify that you are a good candidate for regenerative medicine therapy, schedule a consultation with Dr. Joe Cleaver of Paradigm Wellness Medical Group. Our offices are in Sonoma, Santa Rosa, San Francisco, and Dallas.
DISCLAIMER: The preceding information provided is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice; it is provided for educational purposes only. You assume full responsibility for how you choose to use this information. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment. Talk with your healthcare provider about any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
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