Dr. Joe Cleaver To Speak at 2nd Annual Summit of Aesthetic Medicine in Dubai

Join us in Dubai for our upcoming 2nd Annual Summit of Aesthetic Medicine, taking place from November 23-24, 2017: a two-day opportunity that allows you to reaffirm your commitment to Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine, further your clinical education, and network with leading experts and educators in the field.

Marking 5 years since A4M spearheaded its postgraduate education programs in Dubai, the conference will focus on the latest research and teachings in aesthetic medicine through accredited lectures that provide up to 15 CME credits.

The sessions are developed and designed under the direction of Dr. Maria Angelo-Khattar: a leading expert in aesthetic medicine, based in Dubai. Dr. Angelo-Khattar’s extensive educational and professional experience includes lectures and sessions at several internationally renowned conferences; additionally, she has trained, guided, and mentored over 200 physicians in aesthetic medicine. Other faculty experts include a panel of 15 thought leaders, expert practitioners, researchers, and scientists—who will deliver clinical updates, emerging research, and the most recent innovations in technologies.

If you are looking to learn more about a field that will simultaneously increase revenue while enhancing patient wellness and happiness—and further differentiate yourself from commercially minded concepts and colleagues—do not delay: register today for this annual event!

Reasons To Attend:

  • World-class CME accredited program
  • Scientifically focused lectures, free of any commercial inclinations or leanings
  • The Fellowship graduation ceremony will be hosted during the meeting, offering every registered attendee a seated 3-course lunch, with the ability to network and engage with highly specialized experts